Safe Sailing Travel App

UX Design, UI Design, UX Research

 Role: Team Lead, Design Manager

Safe Sailing is an app that provides tools to discover a safe space to find and share advice, insights, and resources when traveling abroad. Travelers can also create and share a custom itinerary and plan a trip based on their budget.

Impact: 5/6 (83%) of usability testing participants said they would use this app frequently

Target Audience: BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) Women

The Problem

Women of color desire cost-effective and culturally safe opportunities to travel abroad alone. Participants from our survey, ranked the importance of safety when traveling 4.88/5. This problem is important because they want to travel abroad with access to resources that assist with safety and costs.


 My team of seven, UX designers and researchers, created an app that builds confidence in women of color traveling abroad, with opportunities to share and discover insights, advice, and resources connected to safety, community, and cost when traveling.

Women & The Travel Industry

65% of women who have never traveled on their own worry about their safety

User Research: Interviews

Interviewed 4 Black solo women travelers

Created a guide of 15 open-ended questions focusing on their experiences, thoughts, motives, and concerns centered around traveling solo as Black women.

User Research: Survey

Survey Tool: Google Forms

Data Collection Period: 2 weeks

Total Participants: 53

41 self-identified Black/Minority Women

User Flows


After reviewing our user flows, we started sketching ideas for our screens leading to our prototype and wireframes.

Usability Testing Participant

“Everything’s all in one place. Like where you can book your trip and make your itinerary and meet new people.”

Usability Testing

Six participants

Four tasks to attempt in the app

Key Performance Indicators included:

    • Time to Complete Task

    • Conversion Rate

    • Modified Usability Testing Scale
